"Maycomb is a fictional town in Alabama, one of the southern-most states of the USA. However, from the information given in the novel, we can place it very close to Harper Lee's own birth-place, Monroeville."
"There is an excellent description of Maycomb in Chapter One, a description which also refers to the mood of the people at this particular period of time."
"The events take place over a period of two and a half years, from the Summer of 1933 to the early winter of 1935. It was a time of hardship and depression in the USA."
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"Both the historical and the geographical setting of the novel are important."
"Alabama and the other southern states fought against the northern states in the American Civil War. The war erupted over the question of slavery, which the South wanted to keep as it was important to their cotton production."
"Although the South was defeated in 1865, and all the slaves were set free, most southerners never really accepted the new integration laws imposed on them by the North."
"Even 70 years later, Alabama remained prejudiced against the negroes, the former slaves and their descendants."
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"A careful reading of the novel reveals that this basic prejudice was ingrained in even the most respectable people."
"Negroes lived in their own area, sat separately in court, attended their own church etc."
"As well as the obvious racial prejudice, the setting also helps to explain the prejudice against characters such as Dolphus Raymond and Boo Radley."
"The once-powerful Southern families retained their pride, even though their days of greatness were past. Aunt Alexandra is a good example of one who clings to family tradition, although the family plantation is no longer valuable."
"This same pride made the southern families look down upon anyone who did not fit into their social class."
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"Both Boo Radley and Dolphus Raymond are shunned because their way of life puts them outside normal society (although both come from respectable families.)"
"There are many well-known books and films which can help you to understand the background to the novel."
"Some titles which are set in the southern states are:"